10 Things Again

  1. A fox and two cubs
    My headlights fell upon them on my way home from the city late on Wednesday night. The adult scarpered very swiftly, and one cub clumsily jumped into the undergrowth on the side of the road it was nearest. But the other cub had followed the adult part way across the road, and evidently didn’t know what the protocol was. It ran in bewildered but adorable circles into the road and out again, into the road and out again. I tried flashing my lights to see if that would make it dart determinedly in one direction, but it just ran a bit further down the street. My car was at a standstill at this point, so I put the handbrake on and decided I could wait. I watched the cub get a bit beyond the reach of the beam of light, and eventually find it’s head, and it’s way, off into the night.

2. This beautiful song ‘Corner’ by The Arcadian Wild. Worth careful listening and reflection.

3. My friend Christina.
I simply love her very much, and am so glad we get to share joy in not taking ourselves too seriously as runners, thinking deeply about faith and church, swapping book recommendations, eating ice cream, appreciating beauty where we find it and doing bits of life together.

4. Trees… Have I ever mentioned that they make me glad?

5. The Being Known podcast.
The conversations that Curt and Pepper have shared with the world in this podcast have been such a blessing to me – deeply shaping the way I interact with others and changing how think about myself, the world and other people. I am making a practise of saying “I love you” more. Thankfulness pulls past good into the present moment – and changes it. We are not alone – ever. There is not a moment or place in all of time and space that Jesus has not worked to bring healing to.

6. Jigsaw puzzles. A satsifying challenge for a tired brain at the end of a full day.

7. Philippians 4v6-7
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

8. Children. This possibly sounds strange. But I’m repeatedly made more cheerful by the lovely young people that I encounter in my church, my family and my work. I know that children have sad days and hard times, and that its not always sweetness and smiles, but that shouldn’t stop me being grateful for the quirky sense of humour, giggles, energy and infectious sense of fun that they share.

9. Milka ‘Caramelo’ chocolate bars. Yes, I mean ‘bars’ plural.

10. Oozy butter and damson plum jam on a toasted breakfast muffin.

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